Tuesday, 8 November 2011

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU



Nobuhiro Nakanishi

Fukuoka, Japan-born artist Nobuhiro Nakanishi has created a mesmerizing series called Layered Drawings that I'd love to see in person. Nakanishi uses a laser print to mount his photos onto plexiglass acrylic. Though we could enjoy each slice on its own, taken together, they produce a magnificent effect.

"The theme of my work is: the physical that permeates into the art piece," he says. "In a foggy landscape, we no longer see what we are usually able to see – the distance to the traffic light, the silhouette of the trees, the slope of the ground. Silhouettes, distance and horizontal sense all become vague. When we perceive this vagueness, the water inside the retina and skin dissolve outwardly toward the infinite space of the body surface. The landscape continues to flow, withholding us from grasping anything solid. By capturing spatial change and the infinite flow of time, I strive to produce art that creates movement between the artwork itself and the viewer's experience of the artwork."

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Leonardo Da Vinci

Was watching a programme about Leonado Da Vinci the other day and have fallen in love with this image "Lady with Ermine". So evocative - beautifully caught moment. The expression he captures in her face is mesmerizing...

Monday, 24 October 2011